James Fowler Physical Therapy is a boutique physical therapy practice in Union Square, NYC. They collaborate with massage therapists like me to work on injuries and medical conditions. I use my massage therapy expertise to hold space for clients, work with their physical ailments, hold them accountable so they can achieve their wellness goals. In some cases, I incorporate my Ayurvedic knowledge in sessions.


My Specialties:

Medical Massage/ Swedish Massage

Traditional Thai Massage

Prenatal and Postpartum Massage


What are the sessions like?

Sessions usually start with a check in. I love to get to know my clients and what has brought them to receive massage therapy at JFPT. If clients have a particular injury and work with one of our Physical therapists, I collaborate and speak with my colleagues to come up with a treatment plan. Clients who are on top of their massage & physICAL THERAPy homework usually make signIFICANT progress.

Clients who do not currently see a physical therapist, may come in to just to receive a session. You may hear music or people exercising outside the door but we have ways to muffle the noise in the treatment room.

Thai Massage is performed on a gym mat in another suite at JFPT on the same floor.


Are you ready to take the next step?

Click here to

connect with me if you have any questions or reach out to JFPT Directly to schedule!

If you're interested in sliding scale, reach out to me first!

James Fowler Physical Therapy

873 Broadway, Suite 510

New York, NY 10003

(212) 253-9383


Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30am-7pm

Buzz: Dial 012 to enter building


My Work Hours:

Tuesdays, 10am to 6pm

Wednesdays, 4:30pm to 7pm

Fridays, 10am to 1:30pm